Health / Dentistry / Preventive Treatment: Any action taken by the patient, assisted by the dentist, hygienist, and the office staff that serves to prevent dental or other disease. Sealants, cleanings and space maintainers are examples of preventive treatment.
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Preventive Adjective Synonyms: preventative, hindrance, curb, inhibition, impediment, block, barrier, obstacle, obstruction
Preventive Noun Synonyms: preventative, prophylactic, precautionary, anticipatory or anticipative, protective, counteractive
Preventive Verb Synonyms: preventative, preventing, hindering, impeding, restraining, hampering, inhibitive or inhibitory, inhibiting, restrictive
Treatment Verb Synonyms: therapy, care, curing, remedying, healing
Health / Dentistry / Preventive Treatment: Any action taken by the patient, assisted by the dentist, hygienist, and the office staff that serves to prevent dental or other disease. Sealants, cleanings and space maintainers are examples of prev MORE
Lifestyle / Adoption / Psychological Maltreatment: A pattern of caregiver behavior or extreme incidents that convey to children that they are worthless, flawed, unloved, unwanted, endangered or only of value to meeting another's needs. This can includ MORE
Business / Real Estate / Preventive Maintenance: Includes regularly scheduled activities such as painting and seasonal servicing of appliances and systems. Preventive maintenance preserves the long-range value and physical integrity of the building. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Preventive Dentistry: Education and treatment devoted to and concerned with preventing the development of dental disease. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Preventive Care: Medical and dental services aimed at early detection and intervention. MORE
Lifestyle / Adoption / Residential Treatment: Therapeutic intervention processes for individuals who cannot or do not function satisfactorily in their own homes. For children and adolescents, residential treatment tends to be the last resort when MORE