Outpatient Care

Health / Dentistry / Outpatient Care: Any health care service provided to a patient who is not admitted to a facility. Outpatient care may be provided in a doctor's office, clinic, the patient's home or hospital outpatient department.
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Other Words for Care

Care Noun Synonyms: anxiety, worry, trouble, anguish, disquiet, distress, grief, sorrow, dolour, sadness, suffering, misery, woe, tribulation
Care Verb Synonyms: be concerned, trouble oneself, feel interest, worry, fret, trouble, mind

Ambulatory Care Facility (ACF)

Health / Health Insurance / Ambulatory Care Facility (ACF): A medical care center that provides a wide range of healthcare services, including preventive care, acute care, surgery, and outpatient care, in a centralized facility. Also known as a medical clinic MORE

Medicare Part D

Health / Dentistry / Medicare Part D: A prescription drug benefit for Medicare-eligible seniors and disabled persons. It was established as part of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act (MMA) that President Bus MORE

Medicare Part C

Health / Health Insurance / Medicare Part C: The part of Medicare that expands the list of different types of entities allowed to offer health plans to Medicare beneficiaries. Also known as Medicare+Choice. See also Medicare. MORE

Medicare Part B

Health / Dentistry / Medicare Part B: Medicare-administered medical insurance that helps pay for certain medically necessary practitioner services, outpatient hospital services and supplies not covered by Part A hospital insurance of Medi MORE

Medicare Supplement

Health / Health Insurance / Medicare Supplement: A private medical expense insurance plan that supplements Medicare coverage. Also known as a Medigap policy. MORE


Health / Health Insurance / Outpatient: An individual (patient) who receives health care services (such as surgery) on an outpatient basis, meaning they do not stay overnight in a hospital or inpatient facility. Many insurance companies hav MORE