Food And Drug Administration (FDA)

Health / Acupuncture / Food And Drug Administration (FDA): The FDA, an agency within the U.S. Public Health Service, which is a part of the Department of Health and Human Services.
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Other Words for Administration

Administration Noun Synonyms: management, direction, conduct, supervision, oversight, superintendence, regulation, charge

Other Words for Drug

Drug Noun Synonyms: medication, medicine, medicament, pharmaceutical, remedy, cure, treatment, cure-all, panacea
Drug Verb Synonyms: anaesthetize, dope, deaden, knock out, sedate, stupefy, numb, benumb, dull, narcotize, poison, slip (someone) a Mickey (Finn)

Other Words for Food

Food Verb Synonyms: nourishment, nutriment, aliment, sustenance, subsistence, foodstuffs, edibles, eatables, viands, bread, victuals, rations, provisions, comestibles, commons, grub, eats, chow, scoff, prog

Generic Drug

Health / Dentistry / Generic Drug: A prescription drug that has the same active-ingredient formula as a brand-name drug. A generic drug is known only by its formula name and its formula is available to any pharmaceutical company. Gener MORE

PP and E

Business / Finance / PP and E: See Property, Plant & Equipment. MORE

Power Handling

Technology / Home Audio / Power Handling: A measure of how much amplifier power, in watts, a speaker can take before it is damaged. MORE

Preand Post Tours

Lifestyle / Travel / Preand Post Tours: Optional extension or side-trip package before or after a meeting, gathering or convention. MORE

Prescription Drug

Health / Dentistry / Prescription Drug: A drug that has been approved by the Federal Food and Drug Administration which can only be dispensed according to physician's prescription order. MORE

Prescription Drug Benefits

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Prescription Drug Benefits: Typically a provision included in a group health plan designed to provide covered employees and their dependents with payment assistance for medically prescribed drugs. MORE