Wetting Agents

Entertainment / Photography / Wetting Agents: Are chemicals which, when used in minute quantities, reduce the surface tension of water. They are usually added to the final wash of films and plates to improve draining.
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Wetting Agent

Lifestyle / Painting / Wetting Agent: A liquid to be added in small amounts to water-colour to reduce the surface tension and thus increase the flow of the colours. Oxgall has been the traditional agent, but now synthetic preparations aki MORE

Wetting Agents

Entertainment / Photography / Wetting Agents: Are chemicals which, when used in minute quantities, reduce the surface tension of water. They are usually added to the final wash of films and plates to improve draining. MORE


Science / Chemistry / Wetting: Covering with a surface with thin film of liquid. Liquid beads up on a surface if it cannot wet it. MORE

Independent Agents

Health / Health Insurance / Independent Agents: Agents that represent the products of several health plans or insurers. MORE

Chelating Agents

Health / Fitness / Chelating Agents: Soluble organic compounds that can fit certain metallic ions into their molecular structure. MORE

Captive Agents

Health / Health Insurance / Captive Agents: Agents that represent only one health plan or insurer. MORE