Entertainment / Photography / TTL: Abbreviation for 'through-the-lens' as referring to a metering system in which a suitable light sensitive mechanism within the camera body measures exposure from the image light passing through the lens.
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Business / Finance / Settlement Date: The date on which payment is made to settle a trade. For stocks traded on U.S. exchanges, settlement is currently three business days after the trade. For mutual funds, settlement usually occurs in th MORE
Business / Finance / Settlement Price: A figure determined by the closing range that is used to calculate gains and losses in futures market accounts. Settlement prices are used to determine gains, losses, margin calls, and invoice prices MORE
Business / Finance / Settlement Rate: The rate suggested in Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) 87 for discounting the obligations of a pension plan. The rate at which the pension benefits could be effectively settled if the compa MORE
Science / Geology / Settling Pond: An open pond where waste or process water is allowed to stand while suspended materials settle out. MORE
Science / Geology / Kettle Lake: A lake that forms in a kettle. MORE
Business / Finance / Regular Settlement: Transaction in which a stock contract is settled and delivered on the fifth full business day following the date of the transaction (trade date). In Japan, regular settlement occurs three business day MORE