Entertainment / Photography / Sodium Hydroxide: Highly active alkaline accelerator used in conjunction with hydroquinone to produce high contrast developers.
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Science / Periodic Table of Elements / Sodium (Na): Atomic number: 11, Atomic mass: 22.98977 g.mol -1, Electronegativity: 0.9, Density: 0.97 g.cm -3 at 20 ?°C, Melting point: 97.5 ?°C, Boiling point: 883 ?°C, Vanderwaals radius: 0.196 nm, Ionic radi MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Sodium Sulfide: Chemical used in sulfide (sepia) toning. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Sodium Metabisulfite: Used as an acidifying agent in acid fixing baths. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Sodium Sulfite: Chemical commonly used as a preservative in many developing solutions. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Hydroxide: 1. The OH- ion. 2. Compounds containing the OH- ion. See also: hydroxide compounds. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Sodium Thiocyanate: Alternative to potassium thiocyanate and is used as a silver solvent in physical and ultra-fine grain formulae. MORE