Printing-Out Papers

Entertainment / Photography / Printing-Out Papers: Light sensitive printing papers which visibly darken during exposure to sunlight. Also referred to as contact printing papers.
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Other Words for Papers

Papers Noun Plural Synonyms: document(s), instrument, legal papers, form, certificate, deed, ownership papers, credential(s), identification

White Papers

Technology / Computers / White Papers: These are documents created to help guide you in the use of a particular piece of hardware or software. Usually some kind of extra or advanced help that is provided that goes beyond the normal manual MORE

Surrender Papers

Lifestyle / Adoption / Surrender Papers: Legal document attesting to the signator's voluntary relinquishment of parental rights to a child. MORE

Printing-Out Papers

Entertainment / Photography / Printing-Out Papers: Light sensitive printing papers which visibly darken during exposure to sunlight. Also referred to as contact printing papers. MORE

Foul Papers

Entertainment / Literature / Foul Papers: Rough drafts of a manuscript that have not been corrected and are not to be sent to the printers. They are typically full of blotted out passages and scribbled revisions. Some of Shakespeare's survivi MORE