Paper Characteristic Curve

Entertainment / Photography / Paper Characteristic Curve: Describes a graphical relationship between exposure values and image density of a printing paper. Each brand of paper may have a different initial characteristic curve. The shape of the curve can be altered by different developers, development times, temperatures, and toning.
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Other Words for Characteristic

Characteristic Adjective Synonyms: typical, representative, emblematic, symbolic, distinctive, idiosyncratic, symptomatic
Characteristic Noun Synonyms: mark, trait, attribute, feature, quality, property, peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, character, earmark

Other Words for Paper

Paper Noun Synonyms: stationery, letterhead, writing-paper, letter-paper, notepaper, foolscap, scrap or also scratch paper, wrapping paper, gift-wrapping, gift-wrap, wallpaper
Paper Noun Plural Synonyms: newspaper, tabloid, daily, weekly, journal, gazette, publication, periodical, newsletter, organ, rag, sheet

Resin Coated Paper (RC)

Entertainment / Photography / Resin Coated Paper (RC): Printing paper with a water repellent base. Rc paper can be processed faster, require less washing, and dry more quickly than fiber based papers. MORE


Science / Spiders / Recurved: Curved as an arc having its ends behind its center. MORE

Rating Curve

Science / Geology / Rating Curve: A plot that shows the relationship between the stage and discharge (streamflow) of a specific stream at a specific location. It is customary to plot stream stage on the y-axis of the plot and discharg MORE

Protected Characteristics

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Protected Characteristics: Legal terminology referring to areas protected by federal or state statutes. MORE

Rice Paper

Lifestyle / Painting / Rice Paper: A generic term for Japanese and other asian forms of paper made for artist's use. Used for sumi-e, brush calligraphy, and watercolor. Fibers from the inner bark of woody plants such as kozo (mulberry) MORE

Riding The Yield Curve

Business / Finance / Riding The Yield Curve: Buying long-term bonds in anticipation of capital gains as yields fall with the declining maturity of the bonds. MORE