
Entertainment / Photography / Kinetic: Concerned with movement and motion.
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Iso Kinetic

Health / Fitness / Iso Kinetic: Exercise Isotonic exercise in which there is ACCOMMODATING RESISTANCE. Also refers to constant speed. Nautilus and Cybex are two types of iso kinetic machines, where machine varies amount of resistanc MORE

Kinetic Awareness

Health / Massage / Kinetic Awareness: Developed by dancer/choreographer Elaine Summers, kinetic awareness is a system of bodywork that aims to increase knowledge of the human body by understanding tension as a positive and necessary part MORE

Kinetic Energy

Science / Chemistry / Kinetic Energy: The energy an object possesses by virtue of its motion. An object of mass m moving at velocity v has a kinetic energy of ??mv2. MORE

Hyper Kinetic Condition

Health / Fitness / Hyper Kinetic Condition: A disease-illness or health condition caused or contributed by excessive exercise. MORE

Akinetic Mutism

Science / Psychiatry / Akinetic Mutism: A state of apparent alertness with following eye movements but no speech or voluntary motor responses. MORE

Hypokinetic Disease

Entertainment / Bowling / Hypokinetic Disease: A condition or disease resulting from a sedentary lifestyle or too little activity. Examples include obesity, diabetes, back pains, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, etc. ... MORE