IX (Information Exchange)

Entertainment / Photography / IX (Information Exchange): Ability of aps film to communicate with devices, and devices to communicate with film.
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Mixed Glyceride

Science / Chemistry / Mixed Glyceride: A diglyceride or triglyceride that contains more than one type of fatty acid connected to glycerol via an ester linkage. Natural oils and fats usually contain several different mixed glycerides. MORE

Mixed Layer

Science / Weather / Mixed Layer: It is the upper portion of the boundary layer in which air is thoroughly mixed by convection. In oceanography, it is the layer of the water that is mixed through wave action or thermohaline convection MORE

Mixed Media

Lifestyle / Painting / Mixed Media: One or more medium used in the same picture. Thus pastel and ink, pastel and water-colour, tempera and water-colour, etc. MORE

Mixed Epidemiuc

Health / Disease / Mixed Epidemiuc: A mixed epidemic occurs when a group of people is exposed when a group of people is exposed to a single common source of infection. AND the infection is spread from person to person (either directly o MORE

Mixed Doubles

Entertainment / Bowling / Mixed Doubles: A two person team competition in which one is male and the other female. MORE

Mixed (Tide)

Science / Tides and Currents / Mixed (Tide): Type of tide characterized by a conspicuous diurnal inequality in the higher high and lower high waters and/or higher low and lower low waters. See type of tide. MORE