Parts Of Speech

Entertainment / Literature / Parts Of Speech: The traditional eight divisions or categories for words as described by the Latin grammarian Aelius Donatus around 350 CE, which he is turn borrowed from earlier Greek categories. In English, these are slightly modified: English Parts of Speech: (1) Nouns (2) Pronouns (3) Verbs (4) Adjectives (5) Adverb (6) Articles (7) Prepositions (8) Conjunctions
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Other Words for Speech

Speech Adjective Synonyms: dialect, idiolect, jargon, parlance, idiom, fa‡on de parler, language, tongue, lingo
Speech Noun Synonyms: speaking, talking, articulation, diction, language, expression, enunciation, elocution, speech pattern, communication

Plaster Of Paris

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Plague Of Justinian

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