
Entertainment / Golf / Skins: (also 'skin game, skins game') a type of competition or wager format where only a uniquely low score can win a hole
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Entertainment / Literature / Buskins: Originally called kothorni in Greek, the word buskins is a Renaissance term for the elegantly laced boots worn by actors in ancient Greek tragedy. The buskins later became elevator shoes that made the MORE


Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Columna: Variety grown in the Dealul Mara region of Romania. Small/medium clusters of medium size berries ripen with yellowish-green skins that are susceptible to rot diseases. Usually head trained, spur prune MORE


Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Juhfark: Ancient variety, having numerous synonym names, currently restricted to the region north of Balaton, Hungary. Flowers early in season, ripening med/late to produce compact bunches of small berries wit MORE


Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Atoka: This cultivar is reported by Hedrick (Grapes of New York, 1912) to be the result of a complex American (Linc/Rup/Bourq/Labrusca) hybrid cross from the varieties America x Delaware dating from around 1 MORE


Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Marastina: Has at least 9 synonym names including Rukatac. Loose clustered V.vinifera grown in Croatia (former Yugoslavia). Berries are small-medium size with pale-green skins. Reported as appearing to do well o MORE


Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Lutie: According to the Geilweilerhof database (above) this cultivar is classified as a North American V. Labrusca derived from the Dracut Amber O.P. variety, although Hedrick ('Grapes of New York, 1912) lis MORE