Entertainment / Bowling / Positive Axis Point (Pap): The axis of the ball during the first few revolutions that is created totally by the bowler's release style.
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Point Adjective Synonyms: dot, mark, speck, (full) stop, period, decimal point
Point Noun Synonyms: spot, place, stage, position, site, station, location, locale
Positive Verb Synonyms: sure, certain, definite, unequivocal, categorical, absolute, unqualified, unambiguous, unmistakable or unmistakeable, clear-cut, clear, explicit, express, decisive, indisputable, indubitable, unquestionable, unquestioned, incontestable, uncontested
Positive Adjective Synonyms: sure, certain, confident, convinced, satisfied
Entertainment / Bowling / Axis: Generally the reference is to the positive axis point (PAP), which is the point on the ball where the bowler's release creates the initial axis of rotation. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Positive Axis Point (Pap): The axis of the ball during the first few revolutions that is created totally by the bowler's release style. MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Positive Camber: A Positive Camber turn is one that is banked higher on the outside of the turn than on the inside. NASCAR racetracks and Interstate highways are examples of roads that have Positive Camber. MORE
Business / Finance / Positive Carry: Related: Net financing cost MORE