
Entertainment / Bowling / Line: (1) The path the ball takes; one game of bowling. (2) Dated synonym for a game of bowling.
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Other Words for Line

Line Verb Synonyms: interline, cover, face, ceil
Line Noun Synonyms: wrinkle, crease, crinkle, furrow, crow's-foot
Line Adjective Synonyms: mark, pencil-mark, pen-mark, rule, score, stroke, underline, underscore, diagonal, slash, virgule, shilling-mark, solidus, separatrix, oblique

International Date Line

Lifestyle / Travel / International Date Line: At 180 degrees longitude, the date on one side of this imaginary line, running from the north to the south pole, is different from the other. The line runs through the pacific ocean, and because of it MORE

Interline Connection

Lifestyle / Travel / Interline Connection: A flight on one airline that connects to a flight on another carrier these tickets are usually more expensive than flying all on one carrier but may be the only way to get to a destination in some cas MORE

Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP)

Business / Internet Marketing / Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP): Serial Line Internet Protocol. SLIP refers to a method of Internet connection that enables computers to use phone lines and a modem to connect to the Internet without having to connect to a host. MORE

Red Line

Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Red Line: A line, 12 inches wide, that extends across the ice midway between the goal lines. Also known as the center line. MORE

Airlines Reporting Corp (Arc)

Lifestyle / Travel / Airlines Reporting Corp (Arc): The airlines reporting corporation is responsible for supervising payments from travel agencies to airlines along with the manner in which tickets are issued to consumers. MORE

Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC)

Lifestyle / Travel / Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC) : Responsible for supervising the tracking of payments to airlines by a travel agency, upon issuance of tickets. MORE