Fast Lanes

Entertainment / Bowling / Fast Lanes: This has two different and opposite meanings depending on the part of the country you reside. In some parts, a fast lane is one that is very oily (as the ball travels fast down the lane); in other areas a fast lane hooks a lot (it hooks up quickly). See also slow lane.
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Other Words for Fast

Fast Adverb Synonyms: closely, close to, immediately, near, (close) on, right
Fast Adjective Synonyms: loose, profligate, wild, extravagant, dissipated, intemperate, irresponsible, sybaritic, self-indulgent, dissolute, unrestrained, indecorous, rakish, licentious, promiscuous, immoral, wanton, lecherous, lustful
Fast Verb Synonyms: quick, swift, fleet, speedy, brisk, brief, hurried, hasty, high-speed, accelerated, expeditious, rapid, express

Finish (As Applied To Lanes)

Entertainment / Bowling / Finish (As Applied To Lanes): (1) the underlying protective coating on the wood, often polyurethane; or (2) the lane conditioner and/or pattern. MORE

Home Alley, House, or Lanes

Entertainment / Bowling / Home Alley, House, or Lanes: Either the center where you normally bowl; or, within the center, your favorite lane or lanes. MORE


Business / Human Resources (HR) / Fast-Trackers: A term used to describe employees who have exhibited strong potential for promotion and are being primed for higher level professional or technical positions within the organization. MORE

Fast-Fourier Transform (FFT)

Technology / Home Audio / Fast-Fourier Transform (FFT): A method by which a system is described using an impulse response. Both frequency and time data can be extracted, with room reflections removed, providing an extremely accurate analysis. Mathematical MORE

Fast Track Authority

Business / Agriculture / Fast Track Authority: A legislative procedure that may be adopted by Congress for considering bills to implement trade agreements. The procedure calls for consultation between the President and Congress as trade agreements MORE

Fast Twitch

Health / Fitness / Fast Twitch: Refers to muscle cells that fire quickly and are utilized in anaerobic activities such as sprinting and power lifting. MORE