Entertainment / Bowling / Fast Lanes: This has two different and opposite meanings depending on the part of the country you reside. In some parts, a fast lane is one that is very oily (as the ball travels fast down the lane); in other areas a fast lane hooks a lot (it hooks up quickly). See also slow lane.
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Fast Adverb Synonyms: closely, close to, immediately, near, (close) on, right
Fast Adjective Synonyms: loose, profligate, wild, extravagant, dissipated, intemperate, irresponsible, sybaritic, self-indulgent, dissolute, unrestrained, indecorous, rakish, licentious, promiscuous, immoral, wanton, lecherous, lustful
Fast Verb Synonyms: quick, swift, fleet, speedy, brisk, brief, hurried, hasty, high-speed, accelerated, expeditious, rapid, express
Entertainment / Bowling / Finish (As Applied To Lanes): (1) the underlying protective coating on the wood, often polyurethane; or (2) the lane conditioner and/or pattern. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Home Alley, House, or Lanes: Either the center where you normally bowl; or, within the center, your favorite lane or lanes. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Fast-Trackers: A term used to describe employees who have exhibited strong potential for promotion and are being primed for higher level professional or technical positions within the organization. MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Fast-Fourier Transform (FFT): A method by which a system is described using an impulse response. Both frequency and time data can be extracted, with room reflections removed, providing an extremely accurate analysis. Mathematical MORE
Business / Agriculture / Fast Track Authority: A legislative procedure that may be adopted by Congress for considering bills to implement trade agreements. The procedure calls for consultation between the President and Congress as trade agreements MORE
Health / Fitness / Fast Twitch: Refers to muscle cells that fire quickly and are utilized in anaerobic activities such as sprinting and power lifting. MORE