Entertainment / Bowling / Baby Split: A split that a ball can convert into a spare by fitting between the pins; i.e., the 3-10, 2-7, 4-5 etc.
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Baby Verb Synonyms: cosset, coddle, pamper, mollycoddle, indulge, spoil, pet
Baby Noun Synonyms: infant, neonate, newborn, babe, babe in arms, child, toddler, tot
Split Verb Synonyms: crack, cleft, fissure, chink, cranny, slit, slot, crevice, groove, furrow, channel, sulcus, gap, hiatus, lacuna, opening, separation, division, chasm, rift, break, rupture, fracture, slash, gash, tear, rip, rent
Entertainment / Bowling / Baby Split With Company: A baby split with an additional pin; 4-5-7; 2-7-8; 3-9-10 etc. MORE
Business / Finance / Split Rating: Block trade printed at two different prices. Often used in dividend rolls to get an average price equal to the dividend. MORE
Entertainment / Tennis / Split Step: A footwork technique, doing a small hop just before the opponent hits the ball. MORE
Business / Finance / Split Stock: Two different ratings given to the same security by two important rating agencies. MORE
Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Split The Defense: To skate between two defenders into or within the attacking zone. MORE
Business / Finance / Split Print: A large securities transaction that is divided into smaller orders that are spread out over some period of time to avoid large fluctuations in the market price. MORE