Business / Taxes / Plan Provider: The plan provider of a retirement savings plan, such as a 401(k), 403(b), or 457 plan is the mutual fund company, insurance company, brokerage firm, or other financial services company that creates, sells, and manages the plan your employer selects.
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Plan Noun Synonyms: design, layout, blueprint, scheme, method, procedure, system, arrangement, programme, project, formula, pattern, script, scenario
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Plan Administrator: An individual or plan sponsor designated by the instrument under which the plan is operated to be responsible for the administration of pension and welfare benefit plans. MORE
Business / Taxes / Plan Sponsor: The plan sponsor of a retirement savings plan is an employer who offers a retirement savings plan to employees. The sponsor is responsible for choosing the plan, the plan provider, and the plan admini MORE
Business / Finance / Plant: The assets of a business including land, buildings, machinery, and all equipment permanently employed. MORE
Business / Finance / Planning Horizon: The length of time a model or investor or plan projects into the future. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Planned Unit Development (PUD): A relatively modern concept in housing designed to produce a high density of dwellings and maximum use of open spaces. This efficient use of land allows greater flexibility for residential land and de MORE
Business / Agriculture / Plant Hardiness Zones: The USDA has divided North America into 11 hardiness zones based on average annual minimum temperatures. Horticulturalists and nurseries rate plants by their hardiness: the hardiness zone maps can the MORE