Monetary Reserve

Business / Taxes / Monetary Reserve: A government?€™s monetary reserve includes the foreign currency and precious metals that its central bank holds. That reserve enables the government to influence foreign exchange rates and to manage its transactions in the international marketplace. For example, a country with a large reserve of US dollars is in a position to make significant investments in US markets.
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Other Words for Monetary

Monetary Noun Synonyms: pecuniary, cash, money, fiscal, financial, capital, numismatic, nummular, nummary

Other Words for Reserve

Reserve Verb Synonyms: reticence, (self-)restraint, (self-)control, taciturnity, aplomb, formality, coolness, aloofness, guardedness, standoffishness, remoteness, detachment
Reserve Noun Synonyms: keep or hold (back), withhold, save, set or put aside, conserve, preserve, retain, keep (to or for oneself), hold over, postpone, delay, put off, defer

No-Take Reserves

Science / Marine Biology / No-Take Reserves: Geographic areas where by law no one is allowed to fish or collect biological specimens. Rules could apply to one or all species. MORE

Neisson Rhums Reserve Special

Entertainment / Liquor / Neisson Rhums Reserve Special: Neisson Reserve Special is blended from their finest rhums, distilled and bottled to perfection MORE

Official Reserves

Business / Finance / Official Reserves: Holdings of gold and foreign currencies by official monetary institutions. MORE