Fund Network

Business / Taxes / Fund Network: Fund networks, sometimes called fund supermarkets, offer access to thousands of different mutual funds from many of the major fund families. Investing through a fund network can make it easier to diversify your portfolio, or put your assets into a variety of investments, since you have access to all the funds through one account. And you can usually ?€” although not always ?€” transfer assets from one fund family in the network to another without an exchange fee although sales charges may apply with some funds. In addition, capital gains taxes may be due if you're investing through a taxable account and the shares of the fund you?€™re leaving have increased in value.
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Other Words for Fund

Fund Adjective Synonyms: supply, stock, reserve, store, pool, cache, reservoir, repository, mine
Fund Noun Synonyms: finance, back, capitalize, stake, support, pay for, endow, grant, subsidize

No-Load Mutual Fund

Business / Finance / No-Load Mutual Fund: An open-end investment company whose shares are sold without a sales charge. There can be other distribution charges, however, such as Article 12B-1 fees. A true no-load fund has neither a sales charg MORE

Family Of Funds

Business / Taxes / Family Of Funds: Many large mutual fund companies offer a variety of stock, bond, and money market funds with different investment strategies and objectives. Together, these funds make up a family of funds. If you own MORE

Overfunded Pension Plan

Business / Finance / Overfunded Pension Plan: A pension plan that has a positive surplus (i.e., assets exceed liabilities). MORE