Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Virtual Server: A server which allows multiple top level domains to be hosted from a single computer. Using a virtual server can save money for smaller applications, but dedicated hosting should be used for large commercial platforms. Most domains are hosted on virtual servers, but using a dedicated server on your most important domains should add server reliability, and could be seen as a sign of quality. Dedicated servers usually run from $100 to $500 a month. Virtual servers typically run from $5 to $50 per month.
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Virtual Noun Synonyms: effective, essential, practical, understood, accepted
Technology / Computers / Server: This is a mainframe computer that serves the other computers attached to it. MORE
Technology / Email / Dedicated Server: An email server used by only one sender. A dedicated server often costs more to use because the expense can't be spread among many users, but it performs better than a shared server. Email usually goe MORE
Technology / Computers / Virtual Disk: A RAM disk in which a section of system memory is set aside to hold data, as though it were a number of disk sectors. Sometimes used for bootable operating systems and applications to function. MORE