User Generated Content (UGC)

Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / User Generated Content (UGC): Social Media, wikis, Folksonomies, and some blogs rely heavily on User Generated Content. One could say that Google is exploiting the entire web as UGC for an advertising venue.
Search Google for User Generated Content (UGC):

Other Words for Content

Content Adjective Synonyms: capacity, volume, size, measure
Content Noun Synonyms: substance, subject-matter, significance, purport, import, essence, text, theme, topic, thesis

Other Words for User

User Adjective Synonyms: consumer, buyer, purchaser, owner, operator
User Noun Synonyms: alcohol or drug or narcotic addict


Science / Weather / Palouser: A strong, dangerous, katabatic wind that descends from the mountains into the Palouse River valley in northern Idaho and eastern Washington. May be called a Cow-Killer. MORE

Quality Content

Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Quality Content: Content which is linkworthy in nature. MORE

Right Of Correlative User

Business / Real Estate / Right Of Correlative User: The right of a landowner to the reasonable use of underground percolating water. MORE

NetBIOS Extended User Interface (NetBEUI)

Technology / Computers / NetBIOS Extended User Interface (NetBEUI): A networking protocol used primarily with Windows NT and suited to small peer-to-peer networks. MORE

Multiuser System

Technology / Computers / Multiuser System: A configuration or computer system in which computer terminals share the same central processing unit. Most commonly seen with super-computers, where several users with terminals can login simultaneou MORE

Information Content Effect

Business / Finance / Information Content Effect: The correlation between predicted and actual stock returns, sometimes used to measure the contribution of a financial analyst. An IC of 1.0 indicates a perfect linear relationship between predicted an MORE