Error 401

Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Error 401: Unauthorized - The request requires user authentication. The response MUST include a WWW-Authenticate header field containing a challenge applicable to the requested resource.
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Other Words for Error

Error Adjective Synonyms: mistake, inaccuracy, fault, flaw, blunder, slip, gaffe, misprint, typographical error, erratum, solecism, literal, slip-up, goof, clanger, fluff, boo-boo, howler, bloomer, foul-up, boner, boob

Independent 401(K)

Business / Taxes / Independent 401(K): The independent 401(k) ?€” also known as a solo 401(k), indy-k, or uni-k ?€” is a variation of the 401(k) designed for people who are self-employed or operate a small business with a partner, MORE

Gross Error

Science / Chemistry / Gross Error: Gross errors are undetected mistakes that cause a measurement to be very much farther from the mean measurement than other measurements. MORE

Logic Error

Technology / Programming / Logic Error: An error that the computer never notices, but that you notice because your darn program doesn't do what you want it to do. MORE

Measurement Error

Business / Finance / Measurement Error: Errors in measuring an explanatory variable in a regression, which leads to biases in estimated parameters. MORE

Net Errors And Omissions

Business / Finance / Net Errors And Omissions: In balance of payments accounting, net errors and omissions record the statistical discrepancies that arise in gathering balance of payments data. MORE

Four Zero One 401(K) Retirement Plan

Business / Real Estate / Four Zero One 401(K) Retirement Plan: 401(k) retirement plans allow an individual to contribute part of their pre-tax income to an investment account. Pre-tax contributions are not tax-free, they are tax-deferred, meaning the person does MORE