Special Warranty Deed

Business / Real Estate / Special Warranty Deed: A deed in which the grantor warrants or guarantees the title only against defects arising during the period of his or her tenure and ownership of the property and not against defects existing before that time. Such a deed is usually identified by the language by, through, or under the grantor, but not otherwise. A special warranty deed is often used when a fiduciary such as an executor or trustee conveys the property of his or her principal, because the fiduciary usually has no authority to warrant against acts of his or her predecessors in title.
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Other Words for Deed

Deed Noun Synonyms: act, action, performance

Other Words for Special

Special Adjective Synonyms: dear, intimate, particular, good, close, bosom, staunch, loyal, faithful, devoted, steadfast, dearest, best, closest, esteemed, valued
Special Verb Synonyms: particular, specific, exceptional, uncommon, especial, rare, unusual, out of the ordinary, extraordinary, different, unorthodox, unconventional, unique, precise, individual, singular, distinctive, specialized, certain, remarkable, inimitable, idiosyncrati
Special Noun Synonyms: significant, important, momentous, earth-shaking, memorable, red-letter, gala, festive, celebratory

Other Words for Warranty

Warranty Noun Synonyms: guarantee, assurance, promise, commitment, covenant, undertaking, agreement, pledge, bond

Special Senses

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Special Review

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