Secondary Financing

Business / Real Estate / Secondary Financing: A loan taken out in addition to a first loan, usually obtained from an individual lender.
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Other Words for Secondary

Secondary Adverb Synonyms: derivative, derived, indirect, second-hand, unoriginal, not original, copied, imitated
Secondary Verb Synonyms: less important, unimportant, inessential or unessential, non-essential, non-critical, subsidiary, ancillary, minor, inferior, subordinate
Secondary Noun Synonyms: auxiliary, second-line, backup, extra, reserve, spare, provisional, supporting, supportive, alternate, alternative

Secondary Mortgage Market

Business / Finance / Secondary Mortgage Market: Buying and selling existing mortgage loans, which are often pooled and traded as mortgage-backed securities. MORE

Secondary Issue

Business / Finance / Secondary Issue: (1) Procedure for selling blocks of seasoned issues of stocks. (2) More generally, sale of already issued stock. MORE

Secondary Immunity

Science / Biology / Secondary Immunity: Resistance to an antigen the second time it appears. Because of the presence of B and T memory cells produced during the first exposure to the antigen, the second response is faster and more massive a MORE

Secondary Macronutrients

Science / Biology / Secondary Macronutrients: Elements that plants require in relatively small quantities: calcium, magnesium, and sulfur. MORE

Secondary Growth

Science / Biology / Secondary Growth: Cells in a plant that are produced by a cambium. Increase in girth of a plant due to the action of lateral meristems such as the vascular cambium. The main cell produced in secondary growth is seconda MORE

Secondary Market

Business / Finance / Secondary Market: The market in which securities are traded after they are initially offered in the primary market. Most trading occurs in the secondary market. The New York Stock Exchange, as well as all other stock e MORE