Business / Real Estate / Property Manager: Someone who manages real estate for another person for compensation. Duties include collecting rents, maintaining the property and keeping up all accounting.
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Manager Noun Synonyms: supervisor, superintendent, director, executive, head, proprietor, overseer, foreman, forewoman, administrator, manageress , straw boss, boss, chief
Property Adverb Synonyms: possessions, belongings, effects, gear, paraphernalia, chattels
Property Noun Synonyms: characteristic, attribute, quality, feature, trait, mark, hallmark, idiosyncrasy, peculiarity, oddity, quirk, haecceity, quiddity
Business / Real Estate / Property Analysis: A study made to familiarize a property manager with the nature and condition of a building, its relative market position, and its estimated income and operating expenses. MORE
Business / Construction / Property Survey: A survey to determine the boundaries of your property. The cost depends on the complexity of the survey. MORE
Business / Finance / Property Rights: Rights of individuals and companies to own and use property as they see fit and to receive the stream of income that their property generates. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Property Reports: The mandatory federal and state documents compiled by subdividers and developers to provide potential purchasers with facts about a property prior to their purchase. MORE
Business / Debt / Property Tax: Local tax assessed on property owned, such as real estate or automobiles. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Property Taxes: Assessment made by county or city assessors office for real property taxes. Payment dates may vary according to state regulation. MORE