Business / Real Estate / Neighborhood Information Request: A questionnaire used by brokers to obtain information about the neighborhood where a listed property is located. The questionnaire is completed by the homeowner and can provide valuable information that will aid in the sale of the property. The questionnaire should include questions about neighborhood schools, recreational facilities, churches, shopping centers, medical facilities, and other features that may be important to prospective buyers.
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Information Adjective Synonyms: knowledge, data, facts, intelligence, message, word, advice, news, tidings, report, communication, info, low-down, dirt, dope, gen, bumf, poop
Neighborhood Noun Synonyms: locality, area, region, vicinity, vicinage, environs, quarter, district, precinct(s), purlieus, locale, surroundings, confines
Request Noun Synonyms: ask for, seek, plead for, apply for, put in for, requisition, call for, demand, insist on, solicit, beg, entreat, beseech, importune
Technology / Cell Phones / National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA): The federal government's executive branch advisory committee for telecommunications. MORE
Business / Finance / Limit Order Information System: The electronic system supplying information about securities traded on participating exchanges so that the best securities prices can be found. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Neighborhood Information Request: A questionnaire used by brokers to obtain information about the neighborhood where a listed property is located. The questionnaire is completed by the homeowner and can provide valuable information th MORE