Mutual Consent

Business / Real Estate / Mutual Consent: A meeting of the minds, a mutual assent of the parties to the formation of the contract.
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Other Words for Consent

Consent Adjective Synonyms: agree, comply, concur, accede, acquiesce, concede, yield, submit, cede, conform, give in
Consent Verb Synonyms: permit, allow, agree to, give in to, approve, authorize

Other Words for Mutual

Mutual Verb Synonyms: reciprocal, reciprocated, requited, interactive, complementary

Mutual Offset

Business / Finance / Mutual Offset: A system, such as the arrangement between the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and Singapore International Monetary Exchange (SIMEX), that allows trading positions established on one exchange to be o MORE

Mutual Reception

Science / Astrology / Mutual Reception: Two planets placed in each other's sign of essential dignity are in mutual reception, 'en rapport'. Mutual reception provides a harmonious link between planets not in aspect and strengthens the aspect MORE

Mutual Savings Bank

Business / Finance / Mutual Savings Bank: A state-chartered savings bank that is owned by its depositors and managed by a fiduciary board of trustees. MORE

Mutual Self-Help Housing

Business / Agriculture / Mutual Self-Help Housing: A program to assist groups of low-income families in building their own homes. Each family is expected to contribute at least 700 hours of labor in building homes for each other. Participating familie MORE

Mutual Mortgage Insurance

Business / Real Estate / Mutual Mortgage Insurance: Insurance premiums and other specified FHA revenues are paid into one of four FHA funds. Losses due to foreclosure are met from these funds. MORE

Mutual Funds

Business / Accounting / Mutual Funds: Investment companies that pool money from shareholders and invest in a variety of securities, including stocks, bonds, and short-term money market assets. MORE