Business / Real Estate / Air Quality Standards: The level of selected pollutants set by law that may not be exceeded in outside air. Used to determine the amount of pollutants that may be emitted by industry
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Air Noun Synonyms: atmosphere, ambience, aura, climate, feeling, sense, mood, quality
Quality Verb Synonyms: property, attribute, characteristic, mark, distinction, je ne sais quoi, trait
Business / Agriculture / Air Pollution: Contamination of the atmosphere by substances that, directly or indirectly, adversely affect human health or welfare. Air pollution results from human activities, both deliberate releases (as from smo MORE
Business / Agriculture / Clean Air Act: The primary federal law governing efforts to control air pollution. Federal legislation addressing air pollution was first adopted in 1955 (Air Pollution Control Act, P.L. 84-159) to provide research MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award: The Baldridge Award is given by the President of the United States to businesses?€”manufacturing and service, small and large?€”and to education and health care organizations that apply and ar MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Lowest Logical Airfare: Lowest airfare found within the parameters of a corporation?€™s travel policy. MORE
Science / Weather / Maritime Air Mass: An air mass influenced by the sea. It is a secondary characteristic of an air mass classification, signified by the small 'm' before the primary characteristic, which is based on source region. For ex MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Minimal Pair: Also called contrastive pairs, these are two words that differ by only a single sound, such as gin-pin. Linguists commonly use minimal pairs for illustrating subtle sound differences. MORE