Gang Milling

Business / Machine Shop / Gang Milling: A milling setup where a number of cutters are arranged on an arbor so that several surfaces can be machined at one time. It is commonly used for production purposes.
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Other Words for Gang

Gang Noun Synonyms: clique, set, coterie, circle, party, company, team, troupe
Gang Verb Synonyms: group, band, crowd, company, pack, mob, ring

Milling Capacity

Science / Geology / Milling Capacity: The maximum amount of material that a mill can produce in a unit of time. MORE


Lifestyle / Coffee / Milling: Mechanical removal of the dry parchment skin from wet-processed coffee beans, or the entire dried fruit husk from dry-processed beans. MORE

Milling Cutter

Business / Machine Shop / Milling Cutter: A cutting tool, generally cylindrical in shape used on a milling machine and operated essentially like a circular saw. MORE

Straddle Milling

Business / Machine Shop / Straddle Milling: A milling setup where two side milling cutters are spaced on an arbor to machine two parallel surfaces with a single cut. MORE


Business / Agriculture / Wet-Milling: A process in which feed material is steeped in water, with or without sulphur dioxide, to soften the seed kernel in order to help separate the kernel?€™s various components. For example, wet-milli MORE

Universal Milling Machine

Business / Machine Shop / Universal Milling Machine: A milling machine with a worktable that can be swiveled for milling helical work. It is always supplied with attachments, including an indexing fixture. MORE