Business / Internet Marketing / Reputation Management: Reputation management is the process of controlling, managing, and tracking an entity's online reputation for its brand name, or for an individual name, or keyword.
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Management Adjective Synonyms: administration, executive(s), bosses, directors, board (of directors), directorate, (top) brass
Management Noun Synonyms: managing, control, supervision, manipulation, handling, direction, directing, directorship, administration, government, conduct, governance, operation, running, superintendence, command, guidance, stewardship
Reputation Noun Synonyms: repute, name, standing, stature, position, status
Business / Finance / Management-Closely Held Shares: Percentage of shares held by persons closely related to a company, as defined by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Part of these percentages often are included in 'institutional holdings'--makin MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Management Services Organization (MSO): An organization, owned by a hospital or a group of investors, that provides management and administrative support services to individual physicians or small group practices in order to relieve physici MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Management Report: Data summary (from travel agencies, travel suppliers, and/or credit-card vendors) documenting usage patterns for air travel, hotel stays, or car rental. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Management Plan: The financial and operational strategy for the ongoing management of a property. It is based on market analysis, a property analysis and the owners goals. MORE
Business / Finance / Money Management: Related: Investment management MORE
Business / Agriculture / National Forest Management Act (NFMA) Of 1976: P.L. 94-588 (October 22, 1976) largely amended the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974, which required a national, strategic planning process for renewable resources for the MORE