Business / Internet Marketing / Pay Per Click (PPC): A type of campaign or service which applies a CPC price to relevant keyword phrases to easily and accurately calculate positioning, online marketing costs and ROI for your website. As opposed to a Maintenance or Optimization SEO campaign, the client only pays for the traffic that is provided, based on the agreed CPC.
Search Google for Pay Per Click (PPC):
Pay Noun Synonyms: recompense, compensate, remunerate, reward, indemnify, repay, refund, reimburse, pay off, pay out, pay up, satisfy, clear, remit, discharge, liquidate, settle, honor, meet
Pay Verb Synonyms: extend, bestow, transmit, pass on, give, deliver
Business / Internet Marketing / Cost Per Click (CPC): Also called Pay per Click (PPC). A performance-based advertising model where the advertiser pays a set fee for every click on an ad. The majority of text ads sold by search engines are billed under th MORE
Business / Agriculture / Perishable Commodities: Farm goods that prior to processing cannot be stored for a substantial period of time without excessive loss through deterioration or spoilage. Examples of perishable commodities are fresh fruits and MORE
Business / Agriculture / Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA) Of 1930: P.L. 71-325 (June 10, 1930), as amended, regulates the buying and selling of fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables to prevent unfair trading practices and to assure that sellers will be paid promptly MORE