Business / Internet Marketing / Opt In Opt Out: An email marketing promotion that typically gives consumers an opportunity to 'opt in' (taking action to be part of the promotion) or to 'opt out' (taking action to not be part of the promotion). Marketers can be sensitive about the distinction, although many are secretly anxious about the day when email, like real-world direct mail, becomes an opt-out medium.
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Out Adverb Synonyms: outside, outdoors, in or into the open air
Out Adjective Synonyms: outlying, distant, far-off, peripheral
Science / Weather / Outflow: Also referred to as an outflow boundary, it is the outward flow of air from a system, such as a thunderstorm. It is the result of cold downdrafts and its passage includes a wind shift and temperature MORE
Science / Geology / Outgassing: The release of juvenile gases and water to the surface from a magma source. MORE