Html Email

Business / Internet Marketing / Html Email: Email that is formatted using Hypertext Markup Language, as opposed to plain text email.
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Html Email

Business / Internet Marketing / Html Email: Email that is formatted using Hypertext Markup Language, as opposed to plain text email. MORE

HTML Message

Technology / Email / HTML Message: Email message which contains any type of formatting other than text. This may be as simple as programming that sets the text in a specific font (bold, italics, Courier 10 point, etc.). It also include MORE

Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)

Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML): Directives or 'markup' which are used to add formatting and web functionality to plain text for use on the internet. HTML is the mother tongue of the search engines, and should generally be strictly a MORE

Html Banner

Business / Internet Marketing / Html Banner: A banner ad using HTML elements, often including interactive forms instead of (or in addition to) standard graphical elements. MORE


Business / Internet Marketing / Html: Hypertext Markup Language is a coding language used to make hypertext documents for use on the Web. HTML resembles old-fashioned typesetting code, where a block of text is surrounded by codes that ind MORE

Email Vendor

Technology / Email / Email Vendor: Another name for an email broadcast service provider, a company that sends bulk (volume) email on behalf of their clients. Also email service provider (ESP). MORE