Bid Adjustments

Business / Internet Marketing / Bid Adjustments: A percentage or a fixed monetary amount by which to increase a bid for cases where traffic appears to be consistent with your selected targeting preferences. This is an optional feature that you can use to more competitively bid for certain targets.
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Other Words for Bid

Bid Verb Synonyms: offer, make an offer (for), tender, proffer

Hit The Bid

Business / Finance / Hit The Bid: A measure of a mutual fund's yield over a specific period of time, e.g., 1 year, 2 year, 5 year, or year to date. MORE

Iron Carbide

Business / Machine Shop / Iron Carbide: A binary compound of carbon and iron: it becomes the strengthening constituent in steel. MORE

Keyword Bidding

Business / Internet Marketing / Keyword Bidding: Keyword Bidding is the process or method used by search engines marketers to determine the ranking of paid keywords results in AOL, Google, MSN, Yahoo, and other search engines that require pay per cl MORE


Science / Psychiatry / Libido: The psychic drive or energy usually associated with the sexual instinct. (Sexual is used here in the broad sense to include pleasure and love-object seeking.) MORE

Forbidden Fruit

Entertainment / Liquor / Forbidden Fruit: An American liqueur made from shaddock (grapefruit) and cognac MORE

Competitive Bidding (For WIC)

Business / Agriculture / Competitive Bidding (For WIC): With respect to the WIC program, refers to the method for containing program costs, particularly for infant formula contained in food packages: requires state WIC agencies to solicit bids to infant fo MORE