Special Disabled Veteran

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Special Disabled Veteran: A person entitled to disability compensation under laws administered by the Veterans Administration for disability rated at 30 percent or more; or rated at 10-20 percent in the case of a veteran who has been determined to have a serious employment handicap under 38 USC 3106; or a person whose discharge or release from active duty was for a service-connected disability incurred.
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Other Words for Disabled

Disabled Noun Synonyms: incapacitated, crippled, lame, damaged, ruined, impaired, harmed, non-functioning, inoperative, scuppered

Other Words for Special

Special Noun Synonyms: significant, important, momentous, earth-shaking, memorable, red-letter, gala, festive, celebratory
Special Adjective Synonyms: dear, intimate, particular, good, close, bosom, staunch, loyal, faithful, devoted, steadfast, dearest, best, closest, esteemed, valued
Special Verb Synonyms: particular, specific, exceptional, uncommon, especial, rare, unusual, out of the ordinary, extraordinary, different, unorthodox, unconventional, unique, precise, individual, singular, distinctive, specialized, certain, remarkable, inimitable, idiosyncrati

Other Words for Veteran

Veteran Noun Synonyms: old hand, past master, old-timer, trouper, warhorse

Qualified Special Disabled Veteran

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Qualified Special Disabled Veteran: A special disabled veteran who satisfies the requisite skill, experience, education and other job-related requirements of the employment position such veteran holds or desires and who, with or without MORE

Veterans Employment Opportunities Act

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Veterans Employment Opportunities Act: This statute extended the affirmative action and reporting responsibilities of federal contractors and subcontractors, which previously protected veterans of the Vietnam era and special disabled veter MORE

Specialist Block Purchase And Sale

Business / Finance / Specialist Block Purchase And Sale: On an exchange, the member firm that is designated as the market maker (or dealer for a listed common stock). Member of a stock exchange who maintains a 'fair and orderly market' in one or more securi MORE