Business / Human Resources (HR) / Soft Skills: Skills required to perform a certain job where the job is defined in terms of expected outcomes, but the process to achieve the outcome varies.
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Soft Adjective Synonyms: easygoing, tolerant, kind, compassionate, gentle, merciful, lenient, indulgent, permissive, liberal, lax, easy, docile, tame, submissive, deferential, benign, tender-hearted, sympathetic, kind-hearted, kind
Soft Noun Synonyms: yielding, cushiony, plushy, spongy, squeezable, compressible, squashy, squashable, flexible, plastic, pliable, pliant, supple, flexile, flexuous, unstarched
Business / Finance / Soft Spot: A buyer's market in which supply exceeds demand, causing little trading activity and wide bid-ask spreads. MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Soft Tail: A Soft Tail is a motorcycle that appears to have a Hard Tail rear suspension but in reality has shock absorbers that are hidden from view. Harley-Davidson has many Soft Tail models but they call them MORE
Health / First Aid / Soft Tissue: All tissues in the body except bone. MORE
Health / Massage / Soft Tissue Release: Soft-tissue release (STR) is a powerful injury treatment technique developed in Europe with the world?€™s fastest sprinters. Recovery rates once considered impossible by traditional therapists and MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Soft Skills: Skills required to perform a certain job where the job is defined in terms of expected outcomes, but the process to achieve the outcome varies. MORE