Business / Human Resources (HR) / Sick Leave: Paid time off granted to employees who are out of work due to an illness or injury.
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Leave Verb Synonyms: go or run off, deviate from
Leave Noun Synonyms: go (away or off), depart, set off, be off, get away or off, retire, retreat, withdraw, decamp, (make an) exit, run, be gone, bid (someone or something) goodbye, say goodbye or adieu (to), take (one's) leave (of), quit, desert, pull out, check out, fly
Sick Adjective Synonyms: nauseated, queasy, sick to one's stomach, squeamish, qualmish, seasick, carsick, airsick, green around the gills
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Leave Sharing: A leave program allowing employees to donate unused sick leave to a coworker who has exhausted all available sick leave and is out due to a long-term illness or injury. MORE
Science / Psychiatry / Sick Role: An identity adopted by an individual as a patient that specifies a set of expected behaviors, usually dependent. MORE
Lifestyle / Poetry / Sick Verse: Mordant, black-humoured or horrific works such as edgar allan poe's 'the raven,' robert browning's ''childe roland to the dark tower came',' and robert service's 'the cremation of sam mcgee.' this ter MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Sick Leave: Paid time off granted to employees who are out of work due to an illness or injury. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Sick Building Syndrome: The term sick building syndrome (SBS) is used to describe situations in which building occupants experience discomforting health conditions that appear to be linked to time spent in a building, but no MORE
Health / Herbs / Red raspberry leaves (Rubus idaeus): A uterine tonic, relaxes the uterus, traditionally believed to lead to an easier childbirth, midwives have found that women who drink raspberry leaf tea regularly during pregnancy have decreased chanc MORE