Qualified Disabled Person

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Qualified Disabled Person: A qualified disabled person is an individual with a disability who is capable of performing a particular job, with or without reasonable accommodation.
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Other Words for Disabled

Disabled Noun Synonyms: incapacitated, crippled, lame, damaged, ruined, impaired, harmed, non-functioning, inoperative, scuppered

Other Words for Person

Person Adjective Synonyms: individual, human (being), being, man or woman or child, (living) soul, mortal

Other Words for Qualified

Qualified Verb Synonyms: able, suitable, capable, competent, fit, fitted, equipped, prepared, ready, trained, proficient, accomplished, expert, talented, adept, skilful, skilled, experienced, practiced, knowledgeable, well-informed


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Personality Test

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Personality Test: A test instrument usually involving a standardized series of questions that are used to evaluate an individual?€™s personality characteristics. MORE

Personality Disorder

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Entertainment / Literature / Personification: A trope in which abstractions, animals, ideas, and inanimate objects are given human character, traits, abilities, or reactions. Personification is particularly common in poetry, but it appears in nea MORE

Personnel Records

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Personnel Records: All information pertaining to individual employees, which is collected and maintained by the employer and is essential to the employer for handling various employment-related matters. MORE

Qualified Disabled Person

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Qualified Disabled Person: A qualified disabled person is an individual with a disability who is capable of performing a particular job, with or without reasonable accommodation. MORE