Business / Human Resources (HR) / Protected Characteristics: Legal terminology referring to areas protected by federal or state statutes.
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Entertainment / Tennis / Protected Ranking: A player injured for a minimum of six months can ask for a protected ranking, which will be based on his or her average ranking during the first three months of his or her injury. The player will be a MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Tidal Characteristics: Principally, those features relating to the time, range, and type of tide. MORE
Business / Taxes / Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS): TIPS, or Treasury inflation-protected securities, are inflation-indexed Treasury bonds and notes. They protect you against deflation as well. TIPS pay a fixed rate of interest like traditional Treasur MORE
Technology / Motors / Weather-Protected Machine: Type I (WPI) weather-protected machine is an open machine with its ventilating passages so constructed as to minimize the entrance of rain, snow and airborne particles to the electric parts and having MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Protected Class: A legal term describing certain groups, such as women, older and disabled individuals, Vietnam-era veterans and minorities. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Protected Characteristics: Legal terminology referring to areas protected by federal or state statutes. MORE