Business / Human Resources (HR) / Phased Retirement: A work schedule arrangement that allows employees to gradually reduce their full-time hours over a period of time.
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Business / Finance / Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP): Tax-sheltered retirement plan for Canadian citizens, much like an American IRA. MORE
Business / Finance / Retirement: Removal from circulation of stock or bonds that have been reacquired or redeemed. MORE
Business / Taxes / Qualified Retirement Plan: A qualified retirement plan is an employer sponsored plan that meets the requirements established by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the US Congress. Pensions, profit-sharing plans, money purch MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Phased Retirement: A work schedule arrangement that allows employees to gradually reduce their full-time hours over a period of time. MORE
Technology / Radar / Phased Array Radar: A phased array radar uses an antenna that consists of an array of antenna elements along with signal processing that allows the antenna to be steered electronically. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Retirement Communities: Many of them in temperate climates, are often structured as PUDs. They may provide shopping, recreational opportunities and health care facilities in addition to residential units. MORE