Paid Time Off (PTO)

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Paid Time Off (PTO): A benefit program granting employees a specific number of vacation or personal days off which that are paid by the employer. The number of days is generally based on the employer?€™s policy for accrual of paid time off.
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Other Words for Off

Off Adverb Synonyms: incorrect, wrong, inaccurate, in error, mistaken, misguided, misled, off the mark
Off Adjective Synonyms: remote, distant, improbable, unlikely
Off Noun Synonyms: away, out, elsewhere

Other Words for Time

Time Noun Synonyms: period, interval, stretch, spell, patch

Prepaid Group Legal Plan

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Prepaid Group Legal Plan: A benefit plan that provides employees, their spouses or dependents with assistance in obtaining legal services, which have been prepaid in whole or in part by the employer. MORE

Prepaid Group Practices

Health / Health Insurance / Prepaid Group Practices: Term originally used to describe healthcare systems that later became known as health maintenance organizations. MORE

Prepaid Expenses

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Prepaid Care

Health / Health Insurance / Prepaid Care: Healthcare services provided to an HMO member in exchange for a fixed, monthly premium paid in advance of the delivery of medical care. MORE

Post Office Protocol (POP)

Technology / Email / Post Office Protocol (POP): POP (Post Office Protocol) was the recommended method for accessing your mail before IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol). POP is a basic store and forward mail handling system. When you connect to MORE

Prepaid Interest

Business / Finance / Prepaid Interest: An asset account showing interest that has been paid in advance, which is expensed and charged to the borrower's P & L statement. MORE