Business / Human Resources (HR) / Paid Time Off (PTO): A benefit program granting employees a specific number of vacation or personal days off which that are paid by the employer. The number of days is generally based on the employer?€™s policy for accrual of paid time off.
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Off Adverb Synonyms: incorrect, wrong, inaccurate, in error, mistaken, misguided, misled, off the mark
Off Adjective Synonyms: remote, distant, improbable, unlikely
Off Noun Synonyms: away, out, elsewhere
Time Noun Synonyms: period, interval, stretch, spell, patch
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Prepaid Group Legal Plan: A benefit plan that provides employees, their spouses or dependents with assistance in obtaining legal services, which have been prepaid in whole or in part by the employer. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Prepaid Group Practices: Term originally used to describe healthcare systems that later became known as health maintenance organizations. MORE
Business / Accounting / Prepaid Expenses: Payments made in advance for items normally charged to expense. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Prepaid Care: Healthcare services provided to an HMO member in exchange for a fixed, monthly premium paid in advance of the delivery of medical care. MORE
Technology / Email / Post Office Protocol (POP): POP (Post Office Protocol) was the recommended method for accessing your mail before IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol). POP is a basic store and forward mail handling system. When you connect to MORE
Business / Finance / Prepaid Interest: An asset account showing interest that has been paid in advance, which is expensed and charged to the borrower's P & L statement. MORE