Business / Human Resources (HR) / On-Call Time: Used to define periods of time when an employee is off duty but is required to remain on or close to the company premises or to respond to a call or page within a specified period of time, resulting in the employee being unable to effectively use such time to attend to his or her own personal activities.
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Time Noun Synonyms: period, interval, stretch, spell, patch
Science / Tides and Currents / Solar Time: Time measured by the hour angle of the Sun. It is called apparent time when referred to the actual Sun and mean time when referred to the mean Sun. It is also classified as local, standard, or Greenwi MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Stability-Time Hypothesis: Hypothesis that states that higher diversity occurs in habitats that are ancient and stable environmentally MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Standard Time: A kind of time based upon the transit of the Sun over a certain specified meridian, called the time meridian, and adopted for use over a considerable area. With a few exceptions, standard time is base MORE