Business / Human Resources (HR) / Management By Objective (MBO): A performance appraisal strategy in which subordinates determine and set goals for themselves based on the overall goals and objectives for the organization.
Search Google for Management By Objective (MBO):
By Preposition Synonyms: near, beside, next to, close to, alongside
By Adverb Synonyms: past, nearby
Management Adjective Synonyms: administration, executive(s), bosses, directors, board (of directors), directorate, (top) brass
Management Noun Synonyms: managing, control, supervision, manipulation, handling, direction, directing, directorship, administration, government, conduct, governance, operation, running, superintendence, command, guidance, stewardship
Objective Verb Synonyms: fair, impartial, just, judicious, equitable, neutral, disinterested, dispassionate, open-handed, open-minded, detached, unbiased, unprejudiced, unbigoted, even-handed, uncoloured, unjaundiced
Objective Noun Synonyms: target, goal, object, aim, purpose, end (in view), intent, intention, design, aspiration, ambition, hope
Business / Finance / Money Management: Related: Investment management MORE
Business / Agriculture / National Forest Management Act (NFMA) Of 1976: P.L. 94-588 (October 22, 1976) largely amended the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974, which required a national, strategic planning process for renewable resources for the MORE
Business / Finance / Nearby: The nearest active trading month of a financial or commodity futures market. Related: Deferred futures. MORE
Business / Finance / Nearby Futures Contract: When several futures contracts are considered, the contract with the closest settlement date is called the nearby futures contract. The next (or the 'next out') futures contract is the one that settle MORE
Technology / Computers / Megabyte (MB): About a million bytes of space. Actually it's 2 raised to the 20th power or 1,048,576 bytes of space. MORE