Business / Human Resources (HR) / Life Activity: For purposes of Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act and ADA, functions that are limited by a person's disability such as caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning and working.
Search Google for Life Activity:
Activity Noun Synonyms: action, movement, motion, vigor, vim, energy, liveliness, bustle
Life Noun Synonyms: existence, living, way of life, lifestyle
Life Verb Synonyms: existence, entity, being, sentience, viability
Business / Finance / Participating Life Insurance Policies: Life insurance that pays dividends to policyholders depending on the company's success as provided by few claims and profitable underwritings and investments. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Optical Activity: A substance that is capable of rotating plane-polarized light. Molecules of an optically active substance cannot be superimposed on their own mirror images, just as your left hand cannot be superimpos MORE
Health / Massage / Okazaki Long-Life Massage: These two practices form an integral part of traditional martial arts training that emphasizes a concern for physical well-being. Restoration therapy has been practiced in Japan for more than fifteen MORE
Business / Agriculture / Partners For Wildlife: A voluntary partnership program administered by the Fish and Wildlife Service to provide financial and technical assistance to private landowners who wish to protect or restore wetlands. This program MORE
Business / Finance / Passive Activity Loss (PAL): A loss incurred in participating in passive investing. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Radioactivity: Spontaneous emission of particles or high-energy electromagnetic radiation from the nuclei of unstable atoms. 'Radiation' refers to the emissions, and 'radioactive source' refers to the source of the MORE