Business / Human Resources (HR) / Labor Law Posting: Federal and state regulations requiring employers to post in conspicuous places a variety of labor law posters, including, but not limited to, information regarding employee rights under EEO, FMLA, OSHA, ADA, FLSA, as well as other labor laws.
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Labor Noun Synonyms: effort, task, job, chore, undertaking
Labor Adjective Synonyms: toil, (hard) work, travail, exertion, effort, laboriousness, strain, drudgery, pains, industry, slavery, donkey-work, sweat, grind, elbow-grease, swot
Law Verb Synonyms: rule, regulation, ordinance, statute, act, enactment, by-law, measure, edict, decree, order, directive, injunction, command, commandment, canon, mandate, ukase
Law Noun Synonyms: principle, proposition, theory, theorem, formula, axiom, deduction, corollary, postulate, conclusion, inference
Entertainment / Bowling / Mother-In-Law: Usually the 7-pin, because it's often the pin that remains standing to spoil what looked like a good strike hit; sometimes synonymous with barmaid. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) Of 1947: The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), passed in 1935, provides that all employees have the right to form, join and assist labor organizations and to bargain collectively with their employers. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Mandatory Retirement Age Law Of 1978: A statute which prohibits (with the exception of exempted employees and positions) employers from having policies or practices that call for mandatory retirement of employees under the age of 70. MORE
Lifestyle / Coffee / Malawi: Most Malawi (a small country west of Mozambique, Africa) coffee to reach the United States is grown on larger estates and distinguished by a rather soft, round profile. MORE
Science / Periodic Table of Elements / Lawrencium (Lr): Atomic number: 103, Atomic mass: (262) g.mol -1, Electronegativity: unknown, Density: unknown, Melting point: unknown, Boiling point: unknown, Vanderwaals radius: unknown, Ionic radius: unknown, Isoto MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Laws Of Hospitality: Called xenia in Greek, the term refers to the custom in classical Greece and other ancient cultures that, if a traveler comes to a town, he can ask any person there for food, shelter, and gifts to hel MORE