Job Group

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Job Group: A division within the contractor's workforce for the purposes of analyzing the workforce for underutilization. Job grouping is done to group job titles together based on similarity of job content, pay rates and opportunities for advancement.
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Other Words for Group

Group Adjective Synonyms: assembly, assemblage, gathering, congregation, company, number, alliance, union, association, organization, league, society, coterie, clique, set, band, circle, club, party, body, faction, crowd, team, corps, guild, troupe, unit, troop, platoon, squad
Group Noun Synonyms: batch, aggregation, set, grouping, collection, assemblage, bunch, accumulation, conglomeration, agglomeration, assortment, series, pile, heap, bundle

Other Words for Job

Job Verb Synonyms: work, employment, position, berth, livelihood, career, occupation, calling, vocation, appointment, pursuit, field, trade, craft, profession, m‚tier, area
Job Noun Synonyms: task, undertaking, procedure, proceeding, affair, operation, project, activity, business, matter, chore
Job Noun Plural Synonyms: assignment, responsibility, concern, chore, task, undertaking, function, duty, role, mission, province, contribution, charge

Job Shadowing

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Job Shadowing: A temporary, unpaid work experience opportunity where students learn about a particular job (typically in a field of interest) by walking through the work day as a shadow to an employee. MORE

Job Satisfaction

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Job Satisfaction: Used to define how an employee feels regarding their job, work environment, pay, benefits, etc. MORE

Job Sampling

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Job Sampling: During the selection process, the term refers to the practice of observing and measuring how an applicant actually performs certain selected job tasks. MORE

Job Rotation

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Job Rotation: The practice of transferring employees for temporary periods of time between varying jobs within an organization. Often used as a training and development method. MORE

Job Sharing

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Job Sharing: The practice of two different employees performing the tasks of one full-time position. MORE

Job Title

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Job Title: A specific name given to a particular job which is used to distinguish that job from other jobs within the organization. MORE