Business / Human Resources (HR) / Employee Self-Service: A trend in human resource management that allows employees to handle many job-related tasks normally conducted by HR (such as benefits enrollment, updating personal information and accessing company information) through the use of a company's intranet, specialized kiosks or other Web-based applications.
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Employee Adjective Synonyms: worker, staff member, wage-earner, hand
Business / Taxes / Highly Compensated Employees: Highly compensated employees are people whose on-the-job earnings are higher than the level the government has established to differentiate this category of worker. In 2007, that amount is $100,000. I MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Internal Temporary Pool Employee: A pool of former employees who are called upon and hired to fill temporary staffing needs on an as-needed basis. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Key Employee: Under FMLA statutes, a key employee is defined as a salaried employee who is among the highest-paid 10% of all workers employed by the employer within a 75-mile radius. Under ERISA, a key employee is MORE