Business / Finance / Vertical Merger: A form of technical charting that shows the high, low, and closing prices of a stock or a market on each day on one vertical line with the closing price indicated by a short horizontal mark.
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Merger Adverb Synonyms: combination, coalescence, union, merging, amalgamation, consolidation, coalition, pooling, blending, mixing, mingling, commingling, fusing, fusion
Technology / Motors / Vertical P Base Motor: A vertical motor with a special mounting face conforming to NEMA's 'P' design and with a ring groove on the shaft. MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Vertical Roll: 1. (also simply 'roll') the curve of the face of a wood or metal wood (from top to bottom) MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Vertical Search: A search service which is focused on a particular field, a particular type of information, or a particular information format. For example, would be a B2B vertical search engine, and YouT MORE
Technology / Aviation / Vertical Speed Indicator: A panel instrument that gauges rate of climb or descent in feet-per-minute (fpm). Also Rate Of Climb Indicator. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Vertical Organization: An organizational structure consisting of many layers of management or other positions of authority. MORE
Technology / Motors / Vertical Motor: A motor being mounted vertically (shaft up or down) as in many pump applications. MORE