Business / Finance / Uniform Gifts To Minors Act (UGMA): Collection of laws dealing with commercial business.
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Act Noun Synonyms: deed, action, undertaking, operation, step, move, feat, exploit, accomplishment, achievement
Act Verb Synonyms: behave (oneself), carry on, deport oneself, comport oneself, conduct oneself
Uniform Adjective Synonyms: homogeneous, consistent, unvaried, unchanged, unaltered, unvarying, unchanging, invariable, unchangeable, unalterable, regimented, standard, ordered, orderly, equal, even, like, identical, alike
Business / Finance / Uniform Transfers To Minors Act (UTMA): A test required in some states for registered representatives who are employees of member firms of the NASD or over-the-counter brokers. MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Practice Swing: (also 'rehearsal swing') a swing through the air made (without hitting a ball) to work on, or feel, the movements that you intend to make when you hit the ball, or just to loosen up MORE
Lifestyle / College / Practicum: A concentrated period of program related, practical work experience. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Practitioner: An individual who practices a learned profession. MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Preand Post Tours: Optional extension or side-trip package before or after a meeting, gathering or convention. MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Practice Round: A round of golf usually thought of as being for the purpose of familiarizing a player with a particular course, and referred to specifically to differentiate it from a round in a competition MORE