Business / Finance / Uniform Commercial Code (UCC): Provides for the employer to pay out amounts to retirees or beneficiaries as and when they are needed. There is no money put aside on a regular basis. Instead, it is taken out of current income.
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Code Verb Synonyms: law(s), regulation(s), rule(s), jurisprudence, jus canonicum 'canon law', jus civile 'civil law', jus divinum 'divine law', jus gentium 'universal law', jus naturale 'natural law', corpus juris, pandect, common law, unwritten law
Code Noun Synonyms: cipher or cypher, cryptogram
Uniform Adjective Synonyms: homogeneous, consistent, unvaried, unchanged, unaltered, unvarying, unchanging, invariable, unchangeable, unalterable, regimented, standard, ordered, orderly, equal, even, like, identical, alike
Technology / Television (TV) / ntegrated Receiver Decoder (IRD): Satellite TV system receiver with a built-in decoder for unscrambling subscription channels. It is usually called a satellite receiver. MORE
Entertainment / Video Games / Object Code: What Source Code becomes after being compiled. You can play object code, but you have to compile source code before you can play it. You can read source code, but object code looks like gobbledygook. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Nowell Codex: The common scholarly nickname for the medieval manuscript that contains Beowulf. The official designation for this manuscript is Cotton Vitellius A.xv. You can click here to see the first page of Beow MORE
Technology / Computers / Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA): A method of configuring a cluster of microprocessor in a multiprocessing system so that they can communicate with each other, this improves performance and its expansion ability. MORE
Technology / Motors / NEC Temperature Code (T Code): An index for describing maximum allowable 'skin' (surface) temperature of a motor under any normal or abnormal operating conditions. The 'T' codes are applicable to U.L. Iisted explosion-proof motors. MORE
Technology / Cell Phones / Overlay Area Code: A solution to the scarcity of new phone numbers, overlays involve issuance of new 10-digit phone numbers for use alongside an area's existing seven-digit numbers, which have a different area code. MORE